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New clients: 020 7644 9554
Existing clients: 020 7624 9944

Covid FAQs

Frequently asked questions about SweetTree care during the Covid-19 pandemic


Are SweetTree still providing care for new clients through the pandemic, will there be an assessment of my needs?
Yes – As key workers we continue to provide care to all our existing clients and new ones! All staff have had specific infection control and Covid 19 training and assessment will be completed by one of our clinical managers.
Can SweetTree Home Care Services support clients at home who have symptoms of Covid 19 or have a positive test result?
Yes at SweetTree we have a fully developed COVID19 rehabilitation service and can support you with care at home with symptoms or positive test. Your support workers will be unique to you, have full PPE delivered to you and help you keep in touch with your family and friends safely.
Can SweetTree services assist with short term respite care and or recovery and rehabilitation after ill health or a surgery?
Yes at SweetTree supporting people back to independence or whilst a family member is not able to help is very much part of what we do. Thanks to our highly trained and multi-disciplined team we understand both the challenges and importance of rehabilitation after a period of ill health including Covid 19 and have very specific programmes to help clients achieve their greatest possible recovery.
What is the benefit of having a professional SweetTree support worker rather than a private housekeeper / carer?
At SweetTree we are very proud of the fact that the quality of the services we provide and training we offer. Our team has been recognised as being amongst the best in the country by the independent regulator CQC. Our CQC rating is ‘Outstanding’ which is the highest rating you can get and places us within the top 2% of domiciliary care companies in the UK. All SweetTree team members receive full training via our in-house accredited training academy. While no doubt very well meaning, private carers rarely have the training and/or experience necessary to spot the little things that signal a bigger problem is coming around the corner if not dealt with. With many years of experience under their belt our care team understand the importance of protecting our clients and will therefore always be fully equipped with PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).

Having looked after over 20,000 people throughout our existence, at SweetTree we know that in a care scenario the key to success is establishing a good relationship between the client and Support Worker. Thanks to our highly trained and varied team of care professionals we know we will have just the person to create a great match. In the event however that a client feels that the Support Worker they are being supported by is not right for them, we will find someone more suitable. Similarly, if your preferred Support Worker goes on holiday or suddenly becomes unwell we always have other amazing Support Workers ready and waiting to assist you. Likewise, very few private Support Workers have the flexibility to easily change the hours/days they work or more importantly switch from hourly care to live-in care if their client’s needs change. At SweetTree all of these eventualities are things we can and do accommodate for our clients on a daily basis because we know how important it is to get the care relationship right.

All SweetTree staff are DBS (police) checked, reference checked and are fully supported by our clinical managers 24/7 just in case there are any concerns about your health or wellbeing. It is also extremely important to remember that if something unexpected happens as a result of the care you receive, both you and your Support Worker are fully insured via SweetTree’s comprehensive insurance policy. Additionally, as the employer for our support team we are fully responsible for all payroll and employer taxes which would otherwise be the responsibility of anyone employing the individual privately. A word of warning ‘cash in hand only works until it doesn’t’ – and then it becomes very expensive.

Will you be able to provide a support worker if my usual support worker is not available?
Yes! We always like to have more than one support worker who knows you so that consistent care can always be provided
Why is live-in care more suitable through lockdowns?
Although SweetTree offer hourly and Live-in care we can be flexible and this can change to meet your needs over time. Live-in care means that your support worker is with you for the lockdown and can make sure you have everything you need whilst perhaps family cannot visit. As you can imagine, given SweetTree’s reputation during challenging times such as these, our services are very much in demand. If you have a live-in carer you always know that regardless of how your needs change or how bad things get in the outside world, you will receive the care you require and remain safely supported in your own home.
I like to go for walks especially through lockdowns, can my support worker accompany me so that I am safe?
Yes – most definitely!

Regulated by

Care Quality Commission

Rated ‘Outstanding’

Our Covid-19 rehabilitation service

Contact us about your Covid-19 care needs

Home care vs. care home