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Gender Pay Gap

Gender Pay Gap

Why report on the Gender Pay Gap?

Gender pay reporting legislation was introduced in 2017 and requires employers with 250 or more employees to publish statutory calculations every year showing how large the pay gap is between their male and female employees. Companies are also required to share information relating to bonus payments.

How is the pay gap determined?

There are set calculations that we have to follow relating to the average pay our male and female employees receive. We are also asked to calculate the median which involves listing all of the hourly pay rates in order of size and taking the pay rate in the middle of the list. The final calculation is to show how employees are represented across 4 pay ranges.

What were our results?

Gender Pay Gap
Our gender pay gap is 6%, and when we line up all of the hourly pay rates and compare the middle pay rate paid there is a difference of 4%. The main reason for these differences is because we have 78% of our male support workers working in Specialist Services (Brain Injury / Learning Disabilities). Pay rates tend to be higher because of the nature of the types of service offered.

Bonus Gender Pay Gap
Our bonus structure rewards all employees equally based on length of service, so there is no differentiation between genders. The number of employees achieving these lengths of service milestones however does change year on year. In 2018 7% of males and 8% of females received longevity bonuses for 5 and 10-year service.

Pay Range
We have approximately 5 female employees to every male employee, so this is why the percentages are higher for females overall. The higher percentage of male support workers in specialist services is increasing the percentages in pay ranges 3 and 4, whilst the higher percentage of female live in support workers is increasing the percentages in pay ranges 1 and 2.

Our Ethos
Learning and Development at SweetTree supports everyone equally in developing their skills and experiences. Our in-house training academy has programmes in place to support staff to move across services as part of their career pathway and to encourage personal growth.

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